Wednesday 14 October 2009

Social Media?

We have recently learned of the History about Social Media and how it affects our societies all over the globe industrially and socially.

This is quite an opinionated subject to tell because other people may have different views to what I may have or they may have the same as mine. So saying the right thing maybe incorrect to others.
Social Media is designed from human needs and social interactions using many sources mainly through the Internet and the World-Wide Web. It can also be from newspapers, televisions, word of mouth, prints and public speaking. All of these techniques feed Social Media and it's influence across the globe.
Industrial media is normally named as Mass Media. Industrial media has the capability to reach the largest of audiences and even small ones.
Comparisons between Social and Industrial Media:
Reach: Social and Industrial Media enables anyone to reach global audience
Accessibility: Media tools are available to everyone through Social Media. Industrial Media can be private or government owned. Huge corporations normally abide through this system.
Usability: Industrial Media requires special skills, training and years of experience, however social media does not require as much skill. Social media is open for everyone as long as they have the computer and software to work with.
Time Scale: The time industrial media gets to its audience it could be days or even weeks. Social media is obtained instantaneously through the web such as Blogging.
Permanence: Magazines (made by industrial media) are permanent and cannot be changed, whilst Social Media can be altered through editing or comments.

Social Media as a global system has been increasingly growing since 2006 due to increases in networking, socialising, blogging, instant messaging and other forms of communications electronically. This has really changed the perspective on the World we see today. It has been used for so many positive things. It has helped all of us connect together with people all over the world, it helps us communicate whenever it needs be and is really useful for addressing emergencies and problems between two people, businesses and even through the global media spectrum.
Since the 1930's, Media was basically advertising through posters, newspapers and radio broadcasts. In my opinion this is when the first series of ' Military Propaganda' took strides to calm and grip the nations. It was used in graphical posters such as comical art and daring artist drawings to inform, amaze and even scare citizens into submission. War Propaganda, especially in Germany was used visually and by mouth (one-to-many) through special radio broadcasts to encourage the German population to continue support for Hitler's Nazi Germany.
These techniques were used heavily for the German war effort and has made media so effective for bad and negative actions.
The Road To War for Britain however took strides to calm the Nation after the economic crashes, using different types of propaganda using Slogans, Repitition and Oversimplication to continue work effort and keep peace from the opposing threat of Nazi Germany.

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