Tuesday 16 March 2010

Website Development: Part 2


I have initially decided to change my banner and hyperlink images in order improve the features of each webpage. I have also decided to increase interactivity the user has with the website. To do this I have decided to create some rollover buttons using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop (CS4). By simply creating two of the same image but different colour, I have been able to make a rollover hyperlink image. When the user moves the cursor over the link, it simply changes colour indicating where the cursor is focused.

As you can see above, the banner has been completely changed with different gradient colour usage and some 3D streak effects, which I will be applying more to the website later. The rollover hyperlinks are below the header within the content area; this makes it easier to identify (also due to size). The example shows that the Fun button has been highlighted red and the other buttons are not and this is due to the cursor rolling over the area.

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